Dr Muhammad Zulfiqar Ali
Graduated PhD Research Student
Graduated PhD Research Student
We are delighted to share our latest video, “WHO WE ARE & WHAT WE DO”, now available on YouTube. This festive release reflects our journey, efforts, and mission, and we invite you to watch and celebrate with us. We extend …
On 27th November 2024, Gaurav Gautam successfully defended his PhD viva, marking the culmination of 3.5 years of intensive research in the field of superconductivity. Reflecting on his PhD journey, he shared: “Pursuing a PhD is often described as a …
Read more… “Gaurav Successfully Passes His Viva and Embarks on a New Chapter with UKAEA”
We were pleased to host the Superconductivity Group from the University of Edinburgh for an engaging visit to the Applied Superconductivity Laboratory. Our academic exchange took place in the Royal College Building, where we participated in knowledge sharing and experience …
Read more… “Superconductivity Group from the University of Edinburgh Visits ASL”
Our team embarked on a scenic hike to Ben A’an, covering around 14km and taking in the stunning natural beauty along the way. We also walked by Loch Katrine, the main source of drinking water for Glasgow, and enjoyed the …