2.1 Circulated helium gas cooling system providing cooling down to 20 K
This cooling system provides pre-cooled helium gas with controlled flow rate and pressure. It provides a 20 W cooling power at 20 K and a 100 W cooling power at 40 K.
2.2 Conduction Cooling System
This cooling system provides conduction cooling with Helium compressor-cold head. It provides a 1st stage cooling capacity 175/200 W at 50/60 Hz. Cooling power at 40 K is 80/95 W at 50/60 Hz. The minimum observed temperature is 14 K.
2.3 Sub-cooled liquid nitrogen system
This cooling system provides circulated LN2 at 65K for submerged cooling with a large cooling capability.
2.4 LN2 tanks
We can provide a filling of up to 600 L LN2 per day for testing.
2.5 Rotational cryostat
This cooling system provides cryogenic cooling down to 30 K for a rotational unit based on neon thermosiphon principle.
2.6 Power electronic cooling chamber at 77K
This cryostat allows the testing of large three-phase cryogenic inverters and converters at 77 K.