Welcome Shiyao YU
December 1, 2021
Mr Shiyao YU is in the research group as PhD student.
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Shiyao Yu reveived his MSc degree from University of Birmingham, and BEng degree from University of Strathclyde. He has been engaging in Electric Power Systems since 2019. He joint Applied Superconducting Research Group of University of Strathclyde as a PhD supervised by Dr. Min Zhang in 2021.
The project title is “STEP microgrid concept study”. STEP (Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production) is an ambitious programme to design and construct a prototype fusion energy plant, targeting operations around 2040. The main aim of this PhD project is to assess the potential designs of subsequent commercial fusion power plants from an electrical distribution perspective. The student will propose design solutions, with electrical models to back them up, to see how the commercial power plants could operate as a microgrid. The student will use power network simulation tools, for example Matlab/Simulink, to perform modelling work.